Hi everyone!
Miss me?
The Virtual
Winter Run is just around the corner and what better way to motivate you to
train on those cold and windy mornings then a scavenger hunt? And since I put
the U in run and fun and we all know that both running
and fun involves YOU! (See what I did there? Yeah I am clever.) So what better
person then yours truly to get YOU motivated by sending everyone out on a
crazy scavenger hunt? So grab your running shoes and get ready to play.
The Route
Ok this is more
of a location. Mt Rubidoux has over three miles of paved paths. So as long as
you are running on a paved path inside the Mt. Rubidoux Park you are on the
correct route. I found clues starting at both the 9th St and
Glenwood entrances, so make sure you explore both. Go up the steep
side, go down the long way, loop around the top but make sure you cover every
paved path.
The Clues
Now this is
where it gets hard. I jumbled the pictures up so there is no set order and you don't know where I started. The
clues are all visible to some extant from the paved path but to get a decent
picture from my phone I had to go off trail and get a close-up. (It was also
VERY windy when I did this, so I apologize for my dicey camera work, I was
hanging onto the cross for fear of being blown off the hill at one point.) I
did cheat on a few clues. For example: you will have to hike up the steps to
the base of the flag and the cross to find a few of the markers. The flag and
cross themselves are not clues because they are just too obvious. There a lot of
clues, so don’t expect to find them all. Make sure you read the fine print
under the picture for hints and you’ll be fine. Told you I made it hard.
The Rules
are ok. You can only run the route once and find clues. That means one email with
a list of all found clues per team or individual, no going back on a different
day to find more clues.
We are checking off instead of taking pictures this time because
there are quite a few clues to go through. Each picture is numbered, so email me a list of what pictures' numbers you found. For example if you find picture number 3, go ahead and list that as a clue you've found. If you don't find picture number 3, leave it off your list and don't count it. If you are not sure if you are looking at the right clue (the pictures don't quite match or a natural feature seems questionably close) go
ahead photograph it and send it my way for final judging.
Winning team or
individual will be announced at the Winter Virtual or by Facebook post. The
contest is open to all area SRTT/MRTT members, not just us Riverside people, so feel
free to share. Happy hunting and send the results to keeperterrier@gmail.com.
Ready to play?
1. Located near an entrance. |
2. Someone forgot their re-bar. |
3. Near an entrance, but which one? |
4. Prickly in both Spanish and English. |
5. Match the distance, not the particular mile marker. |
6. Lots of these on the hill, find just one. |
7. Found a short cut! |
8. A railroad man who has affairs...? |
9. Look for the three palm trees and go see who this memorial is for. |
10. If you run in the morning you can balance the moon on this rock. |
11. Match the distance, not the particular mile marker. |
12. Every time I sit down I will remember Mrs Stacey. Find the right bench. |
13. Match the distance, not the particular mile marker. |
14. Who the heck is this guy? |
15. Another shortcut! |
16. What a good guy. |
17. Might have to go up the stairs to see this one or look up. |
18. Is the rock holding this up? |
19. Might have to hike for this one. |
20. Might have to hike for this one. |
21. Might have to hike for this one. |
22. Now I know where all the clues are! |
23. Might have to hike for this one. |
24. Is there a troll under this bridge? |
25. There are about 10 of these painted on the rocks and trails you might see one. |
26. Several of these, you just need one. |
27. Match the distance, not the particular mile marker. |
28. Huntington got two markers? |
29. Find the missing Raincross. |
30. Match the distance, not the particular mile marker. |
31. Filtered water? No way! |
32. So what entrance is this sign by? |
33. Secret way to get on the trail. |
34. The Raincross is everywhere, but where does this one live? |