DMR 1st Run

DMR 1st Run
July 12 Harford Springs Reserve Park Gavilan Hills

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Welcome All…It’s Blog Time

World Peace Bridge, Mt. Rubidoux
A great local place to run.


Welcome to the brand spankin’ new Moms Run This Town Riverside Blog. Yup that’s right ladies a blog! Our lowly little club has come a long way this past year and after numerous “we should try this or that” discussions with our fearless leaders I have finally decided that we have grown to the point where we need…NO…we deserve a blog!

First of all an apology. Although I am a writer and editor by profession, I am new to the blogger sphere so our page is a work in progress. It will look better, I promise! I don’t self-edit very well, so hopefully I won’t offend anyone or have too many glaring typos. 

I accept content for posts. Let’s face it, I am one person with a day job and thinking of original content at least once a week (maybe more) might be a chore. So email me your article suggestions, race reports, photos or fully written posts and I will try to get as many as possible up.  And no, it does not all have to be running related. We are a dynamic, interesting group and there is a lot more to us than arguing over Brooks VS Nike. Personally I like Brooks.

Advertising. Ok this bit gets a little touchy. I am still working out the rules with the powers that be, but for now advertising for members’ companies is fine and free. Non-member advertising might have a small charge that will go into our water stop fund. I would like to do contests and giveaways, so if your company wants to participate, or if you are just crafty and have something to offer, just drop me a line.

Comments are welcome for every post but just remember, play nice. No trolls allowed.

I want this blob of a blog to be informative and fun so be sure to look here for the latest on upcoming events, sales of MRTT items, running information and just life in general. Any questions or submissions please pop me an email at

Happy running,
