Thanks Melissa for letting me post this and thanks Tyree for bringing it to my attention.
Going happy at my own pace,
When I first started running, I asked my husband to go on a run with me. As we started to run, he slowly sped up leaving me in the dust. He said I was too slow. So, between being “too slow,” not really enjoying running (because it was hard), and knee pain… I gave up! I gave up running rather abruptly, numerous times. That was how running always was for me. I NEVER enjoyed it. In school, I avoided running like the plague. I made up ALL kinds of excuses as to why I couldn’t run — luckily I had very sympathetic, male teachers who let me out of a lot of activities. It wasn’t until about 2 years ago after I had Danika, I decided I wanted to figure out this running thing. I had been active for years (actually most of my life) and did weight training but never really picked up running. So, I decided I wanted to learn how to run pain-free and then run faster. I focused on a 5k. I figured if I could run a 5k and keep up with my husband then I would MAYBE enjoy running…long story short — Not so much! I really didn’t start to enjoy running until I didn’t care if I could keep up with my husband or anyone else. So I slowed down, took it one run at a time, and figured out how to run without pain.
I started this process when, after years of trying, my runner sister finally made me realize that I too could be a runner and that speed doesn’t matter. Once I realized that, I realized that I am not fast or slow, I am a runner — plain and simple. Of course there are people faster than me and people slower, but there will always be people faster and slower. All I can do is run for me. I am my best competition. I am my best training partner and motivator. Once I fully believed that and stopped comparing, I learned to love running. I love running for the pure pleasure of running with other people, as well as competition. I love running to just get away and clear my head. I love my slow days and fast days.
One thing I have come to realize is that one person’s 6 min pace is just as hard as someone’s 12 min pace. It is all perception. Sure the person running a 6 min mile is faster, but their top speed effort is no different than your top speed effort. When I am running my tempo runs I am struggling at times and running with almost all my effort…it is not easy and it does not get easier. I may get faster, but my hard effort will always remain hard.
I always cringe when I hear people say I am so slow…followed by negative comments that can only have a negative affect on their running. My philosophy is, if you believe in yourself and speak positive words, your running will be transformed. If you talk and believe negatively, your running will be hampered. This is a philosophy I apply to all aspects of my life. If you want to perform well, you need to start with your attitude and words.
So instead of saying you are slow and thinking negatively, just own your pace and be proud of your current pace and know you could improve if you wanted to. You are working hard for your pace and should be proud of your hard work. Most runners don’t care if you are slower, so why put down your pace or PR. Be proud! To be honest, I pretty much think everyone is fast and before I was a runner everyone was fast. When people tell me their race times I am always excited for them because they finished. I usually don’t calculate the pace because that is way too much effort on my part. I am just proud of your accomplishment, as should you. And the people that excite me the most are the beginners and people with challenges. The person running her first 5k, the person running while getting healthier, the person battling cancer and the person who is missing a limb– these are the people that inspire me/us all. So don’t worry about how fast or slow you are, just enjoy it!
Do you own your pace? Let us know your pace and PR (any pace or PR you want to share — any or all) without any negative commentary or story trying to explain. And maybe next time you say your pace, you will not talk or think negatively.
I don’t think I am fast or slow…I just am a runner. Because, truth be told, I can always be faster or slower. Both of those can be trained and will change with time.
Oh, and I should mention that my husband can no longer keep up with me since he won’t run more than 3 miles
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